At some point or another, notes an online safety-related overview, “everyone is a pedestrian.”

What that centrally means in a personal injury blog is that each of us in that guise — when walking with friends, when out shopping, when crossing busy streets and so forth — is instantly and materially vulnerable to drivers who fail to operate their vehicles in conscientious — read negligence-free — fashion.

And when accidents involving pedestrians occur in Colorado or elsewhere, it is invariably the case that one or more walkers are comparatively at the greatest risk of suffering serious or fatal injuries.

No reader of our blog is surprised by that, nor by the statement in the above-noted safety primer that, at least as regards Denver, “pedestrian accidents and fatalities are on the rise.”

The prime catalysts that centrally contribute to pedestrian injuries are several and obvious.

Inattentive motorists are a notable scourge, of course. Distracted drivers can spell outsized danger behind the wheel for any number of reasons. Maybe a driver is actively texting or talking on a smartphone while trying to maneuver through traffic. Maybe he or she is playing with a pet, focused upon a child, shaving or applying makeup. Maybe he or she is drunk.

Whatever the reason, bad driving too often hurts pedestrians.

And it is actionable.

In other words: A Colorado pedestrian who is injured through third-party negligence has a legal right to sue for damages that can help compensate for medical care, lost wages, rehabilitative therapies, pain and suffering and related harms.

Injury claims, notes the aforementioned overview, “are complicated and can be hard to manage without legal help.”

A proven Denver personal injury attorney can provide the help that is necessary to file a claim and to seek compensation from all parties that have a legal obligation to pay damages.