Many people hope for the best with insurance coverage, but the best is rarely what you get. Insurance adjusters bring an unavoidable conflict of interest to any injury situation. That conflict of interest is their loyalty to the insurance company’s profits. Your compensation and long-term well-being will not be maximized through any insurance company claim without advocacy and guidance from an experienced personal injury lawyer.
At Flesch Law, we handle all communications with insurance companies and advise you on providing the statements the insurance company needs to evaluate your claim. We even help you find access to top-quality medical care, manage medical bills, and get the best value for property damage repairs.
Our Denver, Colorado personal injury lawyers are dedicated to maximizing your recovery. We are committed to hands-on legal work and ensuring you receive full and fair compensation for past, present, and future damages.
We have 20 years of experience in Colorado courts and have secured substantial settlements in all types of injury cases. Entrust your case to a legal team that will independently investigate your claim, put in the hard work to establish the true value of your claim, and hold liable parties accountable for your losses and damages.
We have extensive experience helping people manage and secure compensation for all types of serious injuries.
Our attorneys serve clients throughout the Colorado Front Range from offices in Denver and Englewood. We are available by phone 24/7, and we would be happy to meet with you for a free consultation about your unique situation. Please call our firm at (303) 806-8886.