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Bail Bonds

What To Know About Bail Bonds

In the unfortunate situation that you are arrested and charged with a crime, you will likely be eligible for bail (as long as the charges do not involve a violent felony and you are not considered a threat to the community). A bail bond is the exchange between you and court in which you deposit money or property with the court for your freedom and promise to later appear in court to resolve the charges against you. While the judge overseeing your case will determine the amount of your bail (based on the notion that it is expensive enough to ensure your future court appearance), those who fail to appear in court at the specified date will typically have:

  • A bench warrant issued for their immediate arrest.
  • Forfeited the money and/or property put up as bail.
  • New charges of “failure to appear” filed against them. Convictions on failure to appear charges can result in up to one year of imprisonment, as well as ineligibility for future probation and/or the impossibility of having future jail sentences suspended.

Denver Bail Bonds Defense Attorneys — Consultations And Legal Help

Whether you are eligible for bail and the amount of your bail will be decided by a judge during a bail hearing, during which time the prosecutor will likely argue for no bail or excessively high bail. During these proceedings, it is vital that you have the aggressive legal representation of the Denver bail bonds defense attorneys at the Flesch Law. In addition to defending your rights, we can:

  • Fiercely argue against outrageous bail costs
  • Contest cases in which the district attorney is arguing against possibility of bail
  • Advise you on the best manner in which to proceed if you are out on bail and have missed your court date

At the Flesch Law, we believe in the notion that the accused are innocent until proven guilty, and our goal is to protect your rights and help preserve your freedom. Our Denver bail bonds defense lawyers encourage those facing bail bonds issues to learn more about their legal rights by meeting with us as soon as possible at no initial cost or obligation. Contact us today by calling (303) 806-8886 or by emailing us and receive professional legal advice regarding your case.

In the unfortunate situation that you are arrested and charged with a crime, you will likely be eligible for bail (as long as the charges do not involve a violent felony and you are not considered a threat to the community). A bail bond is the exchange between you and court in which you deposit money or property with the court for your freedom and promise to later appear in court to resolve the charges against you. While the judge overseeing your case will determine the amount of your bail (based on the notion that it is expensive enough to ensure your future court appearance), those who fail to appear in court at the specified date will typically have:

  • A bench warrant issued for their immediate arrest.
  • Forfeited the money and/or property put up as bail.
  • New charges of “failure to appear” filed against them. Convictions on failure to appear charges can result in up to one year of imprisonment, as well as ineligibility for future probation and/or the impossibility of having future jail sentences suspended.

Denver Bail Bonds Defense Attorneys — Consultations And Legal Help

Whether you are eligible for bail and the amount of your bail will be decided by a judge during a bail hearing, during which time the prosecutor will likely argue for no bail or excessively high bail. During these proceedings, it is vital that you have the aggressive legal representation of the Denver bail bonds defense attorneys at the Flesch Law. In addition to defending your rights, we can:

  • Fiercely argue against outrageous bail costs
  • Contest cases in which the district attorney is arguing against possibility of bail
  • Advise you on the best manner in which to proceed if you are out on bail and have missed your court date

At the Flesch Law, we believe in the notion that the accused are innocent until proven guilty, and our goal is to protect your rights and help preserve your freedom. Our Denver bail bonds defense lawyers encourage those facing bail bonds issues to learn more about their legal rights by meeting with us as soon as possible at no initial cost or obligation. Contact us today by calling (303) 806-8886 or by emailing us and receive professional legal advice regarding your case.

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Get started with a superior representation that comes with a personal touch. Our team handles cases in the Denver Metro Area and throughout Colorado. Please get in touch with us today, either by phone or online. We look forward to speaking with you.

Our Locations

Englewood Office

333 W. Hampden Avenue Suite 750
Englewood, CO 80110
Fax: (303) 806-8882
The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute a client relationship.
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