Some parking lots are big, and some are small. Some parking lots are crowded, and others are relatively empty. But regardless of the circumstances, when you find yourself driving in a parking lot it’s critical to take steps to maintain your safety.

Here are some of the many steps you can take to drive safely in a parking lot:

  • Slow down: While some parking lots have speed limit signs, most don’t. So, the best thing you can do is drive extremely slowly. When you’re driving in tight quarters around other vehicles, slowing your pace gives you more time to react to everything happening around you.
  • Watch for vehicles backing out: Drivers backing out of parking spots are among the top parking lot hazards, as these individuals often have limited visibility. As you’re driving down an aisle, scan both sides of you for vehicles that may be coming into your lane of travel in reverse. If necessary, beep your horn to let the person know where you are.
  • Beware of pedestrians: All those vehicles in the parking lot belong to someone. Pedestrians are just as big of a safety hazard as vehicles. For example, if someone darts out in front of your vehicle, you may need to swerve to avoid an accident. However, upon doing so, you could end up striking another vehicle or stationary object.
  • Take extra caution at night: Many parking lots are poorly lit, thus making it difficult to see your surroundings. In addition to using your headlights, slow down and take extra caution until you exit the lot.

It’s easy to assume that you’re safe upon reaching a parking lot. But even though traffic is slow, you’re not 100% safe just yet.

If you’re injured in a parking lot car accident, it’s likely to be at low speed. So, you should be able to move your vehicle to safety, as long as you’re not seriously injured.

As soon as you can, call 911 to request an ambulance. Receiving immediate treatment is critical to making a full recovery.

Once you’ve reviewed your insurance policy, you can then file a claim and take additional steps to obtain compensation for your damages.