On Aug. 26, a 26-year-old pedestrian was struck and killed by a vehicle in Colorado. Sadly, this was just one of many hit-and-run accidents that occur in Denver every year. Losing a loved one in an automobile accident is understandably devastating, and if the driver did not even have the decency to stop, it exacerbates the trauma that the surviving family members must face.

Reportedly, the accident happened at about 2 a.m. when the pedestrian was crossing a street close to Coors Field. He suffered critical injuries that resulted in his death. Fortunately, law enforcement typically catches up with hit-and-run drivers sooner or later.

In this case, a bulletin was issued by CrimeStoppers, and along with a traffic alert, the suspected vehicle was located. The alleged driver who is said to have caused the fatality was arrested at his residence on Sept. 9. He is now facing several criminal charges, including leaving an accident scene and vehicular homicide. This 28-year-old driver is awaiting his next court appearance, which is scheduled for Sept. 27.

When loved ones are killed in hit-and-run accidents, the surviving family members may have questions about their rights to seek recovery of damages. An experienced personal injury attorney in Colorado can provide the answers. Once the driver who is deemed responsible is identified, a wrongful death lawsuit can be filed, naming him or her as the defendant. However, if the driver remains is not apprehended, compensation might be obtained through a motor vehicle or homeowner’s insurance policy covering the victim. A lawyer can assist with the necessary steps to pursue claims for financial relief to cover end-of-life expenses and more.

Source: Denver, CO Patch, “Coors Field Hit-and-Run: Aurora Man Charged“, Jean Lotus, Sept. 13, 2017