As the days slowly become longer and warmer, more people seek adventure in public spaces around Colorado. Roads and parks host plenty of joggers and cyclists, as well as people doing yoga out in open spaces.

For many people, the warming weather of spring gives them the motivation they need to burn off their winter insulation. Many people put on weight around the holidays and then want to get back into shape as the temperatures start to rise. Unfortunately, more people out taking care of their bodies also means a greater possibility of people getting hurt out on the Colorado roads.

Pedestrians and cyclists have poor crash outcomes

The unfortunate truth about motor vehicle collisions involving cyclists and pedestrians is that they often lead to catastrophic injuries for the pedestrian and very little, if any, consequence for the people in the vehicles. Although bicycle-car collisions may cause slightly more property damage to the motor vehicle, the risk to the people in the four-wheel vehicle is still much lower than the risk to the cyclist.

All sorts of factors, including someone’s health and the kind of safety gear they wear, will influence how badly they get hurt in a crash. The causes of those crashes will also vary, but there is one excuse given by many people in motor vehicles who hit pedestrians or cyclists. They will specifically say that they didn’t notice the person walking or biking, which may have some basis in reality.

People don’t always see what they don’t look for in traffic because their brain has so much to consider and analyze. That makes the spring, late fall and winter particularly dangerous times of year for cyclists and pedestrians. Although many drivers will actively watch for people and bikes in the warmest months of the year, they will not do so when the weather is bad and the temperatures are colder.

Visibility gear can only do so much

Plenty of cyclists and regular joggers invest in fluorescent-colored bike shorts and illuminated shoes or helmets. The goal is to draw as much attention from people in motor vehicles as possible. These efforts are admirable but may not fully eliminate someone’s risk.

Being aware of the elevated potential for a crash during transitional seasons and colder weather can potentially help people to avoid a pedestrian collision that could have devastating consequences.