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Multiple DUIs

Not Your First DUI Charge? Defense For DUI Charges in Denver

No matter how long ago you were convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) and regardless of whether the prior conviction was in another state, the penalties associated with multiple DUI convictions are especially harsh and often come with mandatory jail time. However, it’s important to remember that:

  • Just because you have been arrested on suspicion of DUI does not mean that you will be convicted.
  • Having a strong legal defense can make the difference in not only whether you are convicted, but also in the severity of any court-imposed penalties.

Multiple DUI Penalties

The exact nature of penalties associated with multiple DUI convictions will depend on:

  • How many DUI convictions an individual has
  • The blood alcohol level of the accused
  • Whether any other person was injured or killed

In general, however, the following is an outline of possible DUI penalties that are typically levied in the event of multiple convictions:

  • Second DUI convictions tend to involve jail sentences of 10 days to one year, fines up to $1,500 and a one-year license suspension. Additionally, these offenders will likely be required to have an ignition interlock system installed on their car, to complete upwards of 100 hours of community service and to attend an alcohol education program.
  • Third DUI convictions have similar penalties, except that the mandatory jail time is between 70 days and one year and the license suspension is typically imposed for two years.
  • Four or more DUI convictions can be charged as felonies, and the precise nature of the associated penalties will be case-specific.

In addition to these court-ordered punishments, those with multiple DUI convictions can face other devastating penalties such as loss of career, family and personal reputation.

At Flesch & Beck Law, our compassionate, skilled DUI defense lawyers understand how serious multiple DUI cases are and we are fully committed to aggressively defending our clients’ rights and interests in any necessary legal proceeding. To receive a free consultation regarding your case, please contact us by calling (303) 806-8886.

No matter how long ago you were convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) and regardless of whether the prior conviction was in another state, the penalties associated with multiple DUI convictions are especially harsh and often come with mandatory jail time. However, it’s important to remember that:

  • Just because you have been arrested on suspicion of DUI does not mean that you will be convicted.
  • Having a strong legal defense can make the difference in not only whether you are convicted, but also in the severity of any court-imposed penalties.

Multiple DUI Penalties

The exact nature of penalties associated with multiple DUI convictions will depend on:

  • How many DUI convictions an individual has
  • The blood alcohol level of the accused
  • Whether any other person was injured or killed

In general, however, the following is an outline of possible DUI penalties that are typically levied in the event of multiple convictions:

  • Second DUI convictions tend to involve jail sentences of 10 days to one year, fines up to $1,500 and a one-year license suspension. Additionally, these offenders will likely be required to have an ignition interlock system installed on their car, to complete upwards of 100 hours of community service and to attend an alcohol education program.
  • Third DUI convictions have similar penalties, except that the mandatory jail time is between 70 days and one year and the license suspension is typically imposed for two years.
  • Four or more DUI convictions can be charged as felonies, and the precise nature of the associated penalties will be case-specific.

In addition to these court-ordered punishments, those with multiple DUI convictions can face other devastating penalties such as loss of career, family and personal reputation.

At Flesch & Beck Law, our compassionate, skilled DUI defense lawyers understand how serious multiple DUI cases are and we are fully committed to aggressively defending our clients’ rights and interests in any necessary legal proceeding. To receive a free consultation regarding your case, please contact us by calling (303) 806-8886.

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Get started with a superior representation that comes with a personal touch. Our team handles cases in the Denver Metro Area and throughout Colorado. Please get in touch with us today, either by phone or online. We look forward to speaking with you.

Our Locations

Englewood Office

333 W. Hampden Avenue Suite 750
Englewood, CO 80110
Fax: (303) 806-8882
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