Convictions on criminal charges can lead to many years of incarceration, along with a criminal record and other consequences that can have a severely negative impact on the individuals. However, the laws in Colorado adhere to the presumption of innocence, and the burden is on the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. This will also be the case for a recently arrested man who is accused of violent crimes.

According to court documents, the arrest took place after a 31-year-old man, who is suspected of shooting another man, tried to flee from police when they arrived at a home to arrest him. Officers say they received information on his whereabouts and went to that address after a 28-year-old man received treatment for gunshot wounds in his leg. His affidavit states that his injuries were life-threatening and there is a risk of disfigurement.

This man’s affidavit further states that he drove his 25-year-old girlfriend to the home of the accused man. He says she still lives there, although the relationship she had with the accused shooter ended last month. They claim the ex-boyfriend pulled into the driveway, started an argument with the former girlfriend and fired two rounds with a semi-automatic weapon at the new boyfriend as he attempted to drive away.

Officers say the man ran away upon their arrival. They allege he left behind a bag in which they found some drugs and a stolen firearm. After locating him later, he was arrested and charged with attempted murder. His first steps would likely be to secure the services of an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney who can protect his rights and advocate for him when the prosecution attempts to prove the allegations of violent crimes made by the police and the other parties.

Source:, “Colorado Springs man facing attempted murder charge in shooting of ex’s boyfriend“, Liz Forster, April 12, 2018