An accident can happen at any time in Colorado. Regardless of the events that precede it, a person involved in an accident has a legal and ethical obligation to stop and render aid. Unfortunately, auto-pedestrian accidents often occur due to negligence on the part of a driver. Drivers who fail to remain at the scene can face additional criminal charges. One man is accused of leaving the scene of an accident after a crash that involved a pedestrian fatality.

Police say that the accident happened at approximately 8 p.m. one evening on a day in early December. Reports indicate that a sports utility vehicle struck a pedestrian before the driver fled the scene. The 52-year-old victim died at the scene.

The alleged driver was reportedly discovered after a witness spotted the vehicle said to have been involved. The man, a 25-year-old, has since been arrested. He now faces multiple charges, including driving without headlights on and hit and run.

Unfortunately, the family of the deceased man is left planning his funeral instead of considering what gifts to buy him for Christmas. All too often, auto-pedestrian accidents result in fatalities, leaving surviving family members wondering how they will meet their daily and monthly financial obligations while also coping with funeral costs and loss of wages. Fortunately, these victims have options that could lead to recourse. A successfully presented wrongful death lawsuit could result in a monetary award to help them cope with the financial fallout of their losses. An attorney with experience concerning such cases in Colorado can help those grieving the loss of a loved one due to another’s negligence seek recompense.

Source:, “Suspect in deadly hit-and-run on Academy arrested“, Dustin Cuzick, Dec. 15, 2016