Driving to and from work has become a standard part of modern American life. People even pick their houses or their employers based on the anticipated commute. Every time you get behind the wheel of a car, you are at risk of getting into a crash, which is something most commuters ignore.

Collisions can mean major injuries or even death in severe cases. Although you have some risk any time you drive, when you find yourself on the road can play a role in how likely you are to get hurt on your way to or from work. Does the timing of your commute drastically increase your crash risk?

Do you work overnight or late night shifts?

Your risk for experiencing a car crash is the highest after the sun goes down. Statistically, the most dangerous time to be on the road is on Saturday night, although late evening until early morning when the bars let is also a time of elevated risk. If you get off of work or go in after it has already started to get dark outside, planning to give yourself a little extra time for your commute or learning more about optimizing your driving safety after dark can help you avoid a wreck.

Do you work a standard first shift schedule?

If you work an office job, you probably get out of work at one of the other most dangerous times of the day. The National Safety Council reports that the evening rush hour on weekdays is another high-risk time to be on the roads. Traffic at this time will be particularly dense, and many drivers will be so focused on their destination or on communicating with friends and family after leaving their work that they don’t think about safety.

Completely avoiding a commute during the highest-risk times isn’t a realistic goal for most professionals. Still, if you familiarize yourself where is the most common dangers on the road, you can more easily avoid a crash.

Being proactive about your safety should involve learning about how to reduce your risk and knowing about your right and insurance coverage if someone does cause a wreck that hurts you or destroys your vehicle.